Brian Solis Interview

I recently did an email Q&A with digital marketing guru Brian Solis about how the Boston Celtics tackle digital marketing and social media. The interview got plenty of circulation via Twitter, which speaks to the large audience and influence Mr. Solis has developed over the last few years, as well as the general interest in how a major sports property approaches the space.

I thought the piece turned out very well, and believe it’s worth a read for sports and digital marketing professionals alike.

Inside Look: How The Boston Celtics Win in Social Media and Digital

One Comment Add yours

  1. Peter,

    Great Q+A with Brian, articulate and insightful. I’m from Newton Center and am a life-long Celtics fan. I’m also a digital marketer. : )

    I’m still recovering from last season but every day it gets a little easier. ha.

    Keep up the great work.

    + marko

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