If you work in a marketing capacity for a professional sports team, you’re a target. You’re constantly bombarded by calls, emails, tweets and LinkedIn requests from complete strangers who want to sell you dime-a-dozen virtual products that won’t increase your bottom line, and are largely built on hype. Countless companies are all selling the same…
Category: Sports Marketing
Dabbling in Pinterest as an Early Adopter in Pro Sports
If you go to enough social media marketing conferences, you’ll start to hear the same anecdotes and see the same presentations multiple times. I’ve seen the legendary Old Spice viral campaign get name-checked by a dozen lazy, platitude-spitting speakers who probably drew up their PowerPoint on the plane the night before. But at the recent…
SES Chicago Conference – Celtics & Social Media Interview
Here’s a quick interview I did after a sports and social media panel at SES Chicago conference last week, touching on how the Boston Celtics use social media platforms to connect with fans around the world, and why collecting data is so important for brands on Facebook.
Bill Russell Interview
It’s always neat to get to talk to an NBA legend. It’s one of the perks of working for the 17-Time World Champions! In this interview, I talked to 11-time NBA Champion Bill Russell about having a statue in his honor in the city of Boston, and why mentoring is so important to him.
Why a Google+ Brand Page Could Be More Important Than Your Facebook Page
If you think Google+ will never be able to compete with Facebook in social networking, guess what? You’re right. Google is more interested in owning the search engine results market. And that’s what Google+ brand pages are really all about. In fact, for brands that sell their products directly, I’d bet Google+ brand pages could…