I did a quick interview with the Boston Business Journal earlier this week after the Celtics won their “Social Madness” competition for large social brands in the Boston area. The interview talks about the Celtics’ strategy on digital, social and video content. Interview: Celtics’ head of social media: Email is still king
Category: Database Marketing
Ten Easy Digital/Social Predictions for 2013
I’ll spare you a plodding introduction. Prediction lists are quick and easy. Here’s 10 of them for 2013. Google+ Rises – Google, the company that made its fortune in search, will figure out that G+ isn’t a social network, it’s a content directory. Google+’s best chance at success lies in its bread and butter –…
Storytelling and Sports panel
If you’ve got two hours on your hands (who doesn’t?) check out this panel discussion I did at the recent Futures of Entertainment conference, as we discussed the futures of storytelling and sports.
I wish every aspiring digital media pro was a journalism major
I wish every student who wants to work in digital media was a journalism major. Maybe I’m biased, but the basic rules of journalism are critical to anyone who’s going to be a digital media pro: spell names correctly, demand factual accuracy and verify your sources, and don’t plagiarize — this means you, bloggers! Those…
Brian Solis Interview
I recently did an email Q&A with digital marketing guru Brian Solis about how the Boston Celtics tackle digital marketing and social media. The interview got plenty of circulation via Twitter, which speaks to the large audience and influence Mr. Solis has developed over the last few years, as well as the general interest in…